1.3.1 (`Abd al-Wahhab Khallaf:) A legal ruling is a statement from the Lawgiver (syn. Allah or His messenger Allah bless him and give him peace) concerning the acts of those morally responsible which:
(1) requires something;
(2) allows a choice;
(3) or gives stipulations.
1.3.2 An injunctive ruling is one that enjoins the morally responsible individual to either do or refrain from an act, or gives him an option to do or refrain from it.
An example of enjoining one to do an act is Allah's saying,
{ People owe Allah to make pilgrimage to the House } (Koran 3:97).
An example of enjoining one to refrain from an act is His saying,
{ Let no people mock another people } (Koran 49: 11).
And an example of giving an option to do or refrain from an act is His saying,
{ When the prayer is finished, go forth in the land } (Koran 62:10).
1.3.3 As for stipulatory rulings, they entail that something is made a legal reason (sabab) for another thing, a condition (shart) for it, or a preventive (mani') of it.
An example of being stipulated as a reason for something is Allah's saying,
{ O believers, when you go to pray, wash your faces and wash your forearms to the elbows } (Koran 5:6),
which stipulates wanting to pray as a reason for the obligation of performing ablution (wudu).
An example of something being made a condition for another thing is His saying,
{ People owe Allah to make pilgrimage to the House, whoever is able to find a way } (Koran 3:97),
which implies that the ability to get to the House (n: Kaaba) is a condition for the obligatoriness of one's pilgrimage. Another example is the Prophet's saying Allah bless him and give him peace):
There is no marriage unless there are two witnesses,
which means the presence of two witnesses is a condition for the validity of a marriage.
An example of being made a preventive of something is the Prophet's saying Allah bless him and give him peace),
The killer does not inherit,
which entails that an heir's killing the deceased is preventive of his inheriting an estate division share from him (`Ilmusulal-fiqh (y7l),100-102). RT-27/28
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