The Messenger of Allah said, “Allah has ordained kindness on everything. When you kill (an animal) kill (it) kindly and when you slaughter (an animal), slaughter (it) kindly. Let anyone of you sharpen his knife and let him give rest to his slaughtered animal.”
Allah also ordains kindness in a specified and detailed form. He ordains that the parents, the relatives, the neighbours, the poor, the weak, the distressed, the orphans and others should all be treated with kindness. Being kind to the creatures entails being generous to them and refraining from harming them. The most comprehensive verse on kindness in the Qur’an is the word of Allaah that says,
The neighbour who is near is the Muslim neighbour who is a relative and the neighbour who is a stranger is the one who is an unbeliever. The Prophet said, “Neighbours are three:
1. A neighbour who has only one right. That neighbour has the least right.
2. A neighbour who has two rights.
3. A neighbour who has three rights. This is the neighbour who has most rights.
The neighbour who has only one right is a neighbour who is an unbeliever and who is not a relative. He should enjoy the right of neighbourliness. The neighbour who has two rights is the Muslim neighbour who has the right of brotherhood in Islam and the right of neighbourliness. The neighbour who has three rights is the one who is Muslim and is a relative. This neighbour has the right of Islamic brotherhood, the right of neighbourliness and the right of blood relation.” (Al-Bazzaar and others)
Through Quran Recitation some scholars interpreted the ‘companion by the side’ as the wife while some interpreted it to be travel companion. It can also be interpreted, with a greater reason, as the companion at home.
Among the greatest act of kindness to the people is to treat them according to the teachings of Islam. This include being truthful with them, respecting them, being patient with them, saying kind words to them and treating them the way one will like to be treated.
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