Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Islamic History (Chronology)

Islamic History (Chronology)
15th Century (1400-1499) C.E.

1400: In the Burji Mamluks empire, The Mamluks lost Syria which wasoccupied by Amir Timur.
1401: In the Golden Horde empire, Death of Timur Qutluq, the ruler, installed byAmir Timur. accession of Shadi Beg.
1402: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Defeat of Bayazid at the battle of Ankara,taken captive Amir Timur.
1403: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Muhammad I, the son of Bayazid ascendedthe throne.
1405: In the Timurids empire, Death of Amir Timur, succession of his son ShahRukh.
1407: In the Golden Horde empire, Deposition of Shadi Beg, installation ofFaulad Khan by the king maker Edigu.
1410: In the Golden Horde empire, Deposition of Faulad Khan, installation ofTimur.
1412: In the Golden Horde empire, Deposition of Timur, installation ofJalaluddin. In the Burji Mamluks empire, Death of Nasiruddin Faraj,succession of Al Muayyad.
1413: In the Golden Horde empire, Deposition of Jalaluddin, installation ofKarim Bardo.
1414: In the Golden Horde empire, Deposition of Karim Bardo, installation ofKubak Khan.
1416: In the Golden Horde empire, Deposition of Kubak Khan, installation ofJahar Balrawi. Deposition of Jahar Balrawi, installation of Chaighray.
1419: In the Golden Horde empire, Death of Edigu, overthrow of Chaighray,power captured by Ulugh Muhammad.
1420: In the Golden Horde empire, Ulugh Muhammad overthrown by DaulatBairawi. 1420: Turkomans of the Black Sheep empire, Death of QaraYusuf; succession of his son Qara Iskandar. In Morocco, Assassination of Abu Said Othman; succession of hisinfant son Abdul Haq.
1421: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Death of Muhammad I; accession of his sonMurad II. In the Burji Mamluks empire, Death of Al Muayyad, successionof Muzaffar Ahmad. Muzaffar Ahmad overthrown by Amir SaifuddinTata, Death of Saifuddin Tata, succession of his son Muhammad.Muhammad overthrown by Amir Barsbay.
1424: In the Golden Horde empire, Death of Daulat Bairawi, succession of Berk.In Algeria, The Halsida of Tunisia occupy Algeria. This state of affairscontinued throughout the fifteenth century.
1425: In the Uzbegs empire, Abul Khayr, a prince of the house of Uzbeg declarehis independence in the western part of Siberia,
1427: In the Golden Horde empire, Berk overthrown by Ulugh Muhammad whocaptured power for the second time.
1430: In the Uzbegs empire, Abul Khayr occupies Khawarazm.
1434: Turkomans of the Black Sheep empire, Deposition of Qara Iskandar;installation of his brother Jahan Shah. Turkomans of the White Sheepempire, Death of Qara Othman, succession of his son Ali Beg. In Tunisia,Death of Abul Faris after a rule of forty years, succession of his son AbuAbdullah Muhammad.
1435: In Tunisia, Deposition of Abu Abdullah Muhammad, power captured byAbu Umar Othman.
1438: In the Burji Mamluks empire, Death of Barsbay, accession of his minorson Jamaluddin Yusuf; Yusuf overthrown and power captured by theChief Minister Saifuddin Gakmuk. Turkomans of the White Sheep empire,Ali Beg overthrown by his brother Hamza.
1439: In the Golden Horde empire, Ulugh Muhammad withdrew from Sarai andfound the principality of Qazan. Said Ahmad came to power in Sarai.
1440: Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Hamza overthrown by Jahangir ason of Ali Beg.
1441: In the Golden Horde empire, Crimea seceded from Sarai.
1446: In the Timurids empire, Death of Shah Rukh, succession of Ulugh Beg. Inthe Ottoman Turks empire, Second battle of Kossova resulting in thevictory of the Turks. Serbia annexed to Turkey and Bosnia became itsvassal.
1447: In the Golden Horde empire, Astra Khan seceded from Sarai.
1449: In the Uzbegs empire, Abul Khayr captures Farghana. In the Timuridsempire, Death of Ulugh Beg, succession of Abdul Latif.
1450: In the Timurids empire, Assassination of Abdul Latif, accession of AbuSaid.
1451: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Death of Murad II; accession of his sonMuhammad II.
1453: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Capture of Constantinople by the Turks.Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Death of Jahangir; accession of hisson Uzun Hasan. In the Burji Mamluks empire, Death of Gakmuk.succession of his son Fakhruddin Othman. Othman overthrown by theMamluk General Saifuddin Inal.
1454: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Attack against Wallachia, Wallachiabecame a vassal state of Turkey.
1456: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Annexation of Serbia.
1461: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Annexation of Bosnia and Herzogovina. Inthe Burji Mamluks empire, Death of Saifuddin Inal, succession of his sonShahabuddin Ahmad. Shahabuddin Ahmad overthrown by the MamlukGeneral Saifuddin Khushqadam.
1462: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Annexation of Albania.
1465: In the Golden Horde empire, Death of Said Ahmad, succession of his sonKhan Ahmad. In Morocco, Assassination of Abdul Haq. End of theMarinid rule. Power snatched by Sharif Muhammad al Jati.
1467: Turkomans of the Black Sheep empire, Death of Jahan Shah, end of therule of the Black Sheep Turkoman rule. Turkomans of the White Sheepempire, Jahan Shah of the Black Sheep attacked the White Sheep. JahanShah was defeated and the Black Sheep territories annexed by the WhiteSheep. In the Burji Mamluks empire, Death of Khushqadam, accession ofhis son Saifuddin Yel Bey. Deposition of Yel Bey, power captured by theMamluk General Temur Bugha.
1468: In the Uzbegs empire, Death of Abul Khayr, succession of his son HaidarSultan. Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Uzun Hasan defeated theTimurids at the battle of Qarabagh whereby the White Sheep became themasters of Persia and Khurasan. In the Burji Mamluks empire, Depositionof Femur Bugha, power captured by the Mamluk General Qait Bay.
1469: In the Timurids empire, Death of Abu Said, disintegration of the Timuridstate. In Khurasan Hussain Baygara came to power and he ruled during theremaining years of the fifteenth century.
1472: In Morocco, Sharif Muhammad al Jati overthrown by the Wattisid chiefMuhammad al Shaikh who establishes the rule of the Wattisid dynasty.
1473: In the Ottoman Turks empire, War against Persia; Persians defeated.
1475: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Annexation of Crimea. War against Venice.Tukey became the master of the Aegean Sea.
1478: Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Death of Uzun Hasan, successionof his son Khalil.
1479: Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Khalil overthrown by his uncleYaqub.
1480: In the Golden Horde empire, Assassination of Khan Ahmad, succession ofhis son Said Ahmad II.
1481: In the Golden Horde empire, Said Ahmad I1 overthrown by his brotherMurtada. In the Ottoman Turks empire, Death of Muhammad II, accessionof Bayazid II.
1488: In the Uzbegs empire, Death of Haider Sultan, succession of his nephewShaybani Khan. In Tunisia, Death of Abu Umar Othman after a rule of 52years, succession of Abu Zikriya Yahya.
1489: In Tunisia, Abu Zikriya Yahya overthrown by Abul Mumin.
1490: In Tunisia, Abul Mumin overthrown, power recaptured by Abu Yahya.
1493: Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Death of Yaqub. accession of hisson Bayangir.
1495: Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Bayangir overthown by his cousinRustam.
1496: In the Burji Mamluks empire, Abdication of Qait Bay, succession of hisson Nasir Muhammad.
1497: Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Rustam overthrown by Ahmad.Anarchy and fragmentation.
1498: In the Burji Mamluks empire, Deposition of Nasir Muhammad, powercaptured by Zahir Kanauh.
1499: In the Uzbegs empire, Shayhani Khan conquered Transoxiana. In theGolden Horde empire, Death of Murtada, succession of Said Ahmad III."In the Ottoman Turks empire, The Turks defeated the Venetian fleet in thebattle of Lepanto.
By: Tariq Raheel

Source:  hallagulla.com


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